My Performance Review Was Fashion Advice
Raven is a 36-year-old director of sales operations at a relatively small tech company. She recently got feedback from her CEO in a performance review that she’s crushing it at her job, but that one area of improvement would be to stop wearing t-shirts. This is at a relatively lax company where men in the C-suite dress casually… and frequently rock t-shirts themselves. Kate and Jake discuss the challenges of informal HR at startups, how performance reviews can focus on actual job performance, and the larger leadership dynamics at play when it comes to feedback and organizational culture.
Need some advice from Kate and Jake? Email
Katharine Smith is an organizational psychologist and career performance coach at Mountain Valley Coaching…but she’s still learning how to use a microphone.
Jake Tuber is an organizational psychologist, executive coach, psychology professor, and Principal at Ticonderoga Advisory. He is not funny.
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