I'm Three Months Into A Startup. Can I Quit Yet?

Brendan is the Director of Product Development at a tech company. He's only three months into the job... but he thinks he made a big mistake. He's been shut out of certain discussions as a result of asking really questions about the product. There's some remote chance the company succeeds, but he doesn't know if he wants to stick around to find out. How soon is too soon to leave a job without it looking like a black mark?

Need some advice from Kate and Jake? Email ⁠⁠forcesatworkpod@gmail.com⁠⁠. 

⁠⁠Katharine Smith⁠⁠ is an organizational psychologist and career performance coach at Mountain Valley Coaching…but she’s still learning how to use a microphone.

Jake Tuber⁠⁠ is an organizational psychologist, executive coach, psychology professor, and Principal at Ticonderoga Advisory. He is not funny.

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I'm Three Months Into A Startup. Can I Quit Yet?
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